The State Bar of Michigan is implementing a new Modest Means program that will operate through the SBM Lawyer Referral Service pilot program. The new program is aimed at bridging the access to justice gap for the “missing middle” people who don’t qualify for legal aid but cannot afford the market rate for legal services. Those in households with income less than 200% of the federal poverty level are eligible for services in the program. Members who sign up to provide legal services as a Modest Means panel member will have their legal services count toward the State Bar’s Voluntary Pro Bono Standard and be exempted from the usual 10% remittance fee to the Lawyer Referral Service. If you’d like to sign up to be a Modest Means panel member, use this form to do so. Practice areas for the initial roll-out are limited to domestic/family law and bankruptcy, but other practice areas will be added as the Modest Means panel expands.
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