An article of faith in bar associations is that civility pays big dividends in both the short and long run, increasing satisfaction, respect, and referrals. The view is supported by countless personal anecdotes of successful lawyers. The countervailing view is that nice guys finish last. A recent study cited in the Lawyerist lends support for that depressing viewpoint. The study, "Do Nice Guys -- and Gals -- Finish Last? The Joint Effects of Sex and Reasonableness on Income," looked at the pay rates of “agreeable” people vs. “less-agreeable” people and concludes that less agreeable men earn about 18% more than agreeable men. Being less agreeable gives women only a 5% higher earning dividend. Among the explanations suggested by the study's authors is the possibility that "people high in agreeableness may not translate their human capital into financial gain as well as people low in agreeableness."
Regardless, SBM Blog adheres to the view that civility is not only the right thing to do, it's good for business.