Don't know if the jury service is for real, but the humor sure sounds like the real thing. (A spokeswoman for Martin told Reuters in a New York Times story that Martin was a prospective juror but that his jokes "weren’t factual".) The ABA Journal reported the following tweets:
"REPORT FROM JURY DUTY: defendant looks like a murderer.” “GUILTY. Waiting for opening remarks."
"REPORT FROM JURY DUTY: guy I thought was up for murder turns out to be defense attorney. I bet he murdered someone anyway."
"REPORT FROM JURY DUTY: Prosecuting attorney. Don't like his accent. Serbian? Going with INNOCENT. We're five minutes in."
“REPORT FROM JURY DUTY: Attorneys presenting ‘evidence.’ Since when are security photos, DNA, and testimony evidence? Trusting intuition.”
“REPORT FROM JURY DUTY: Now forcing my autograph on other jurors. Also starting whisper campaign of innocence based on Magic 8 Ball,” he wrote.